Scarborough and Whitby Area Constituency Committee

Draft Work Programme 2022/23


Friday 10 June 2022 at 10.30am



Introduction To Area Constituency Committees

To provide the new Committee with details that will assist Members with their participation in the Area Constituency Committee meetings.

Introduction to Constituency Area

To consider the data profile of the Constituency Area with a view to identifying issues for inclusion in the future work programme

Appointments to Outside Bodies

To appoint representatives to various Outside Bodies which fall within the remit of the Area Constituency Committee

Fire & Rescue Service Consultation

To consider the details of the consultation and options for responding

2021/22 Work Programme

Review of areas for Scrutiny

Friday 23 September 2022 at 10:30am



Scarborough Hospital Performance Update 

A further performance update for Scarborough hospital from Simon Morritt (CEO York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust) and Heather McNair (Chief Nurse, York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust)

Health in Coastal Communities / Health Deprivation & Inequality

Progress Update on Chief Medical Officer Annual Report on Health in Coastal Communities - Louise Wallace (Director of Public Health), Natalie Smith (Head of HAS Population Health Planning) and Dan Atkinson (Public Health Manager).

2021/22 Work Programme

Review of areas for Scrutiny

Friday 25 November 20221 at 2pm

Attendance of MP

Opportunity for the RT Hon Robert Goodwill MP to share his views on main issues of local interest

Schools, Educational Achievement &


An overview of the local educational landscape, educational achievement and the financial challenges which affect schools in the Scarborough & Whitby constituency area

Rural Policing Update

Annual Update from the NYP Rural Taskforce Unit

2021/22 Work Programme

Review of areas for Scrutiny

9 January 2023 at 10:30am

Budget 2022/23 Proposals

Overview of Budget proposals for 2021/22 – Gary Fielding, Director of Strategic Resources

2021/22 Work Programme

Review of areas for Scrutiny

24 March 2023 at 10:30am



Draft Work Programme for 2023/24

To consider and amend areas for Scrutiny in the coming municipal year



Other topics to be allocated:

·         Aging Population – provision and accessibility to locally based services

·         The cost of housing and other housing related issues e.g. Cost of Living & Fuel Poverty;

·         Cyber Crime

·         Reduction in Bus Services and its impact on residents’ lives;

·         Public transport connectivity & Integrated transport for rural areas